coolant. -nitirte-, amine, phosphate-free- 5L. C11
RAVENOL TTC - Protect C11 Concentrate
RAVENOL TTC Traditional Technology Coolant Concentrate is a proven anticoagulant based on ethylene glycol that does not contain phosphates, nitrites, or amines. The product is formulated on the basis of a proven inhibitor development as a long-term protection against heat exchangers. The decisive factor for the quality of a antifreeze is no longer only the antifreeze effect (which is automatically present in an ethylene glycol-based product), but the rust protection effect, which is why automobile manufacturers subject the antifreeze to protracted corrosion and cavitation tests.
RAVENOL TTC Traditional Technology Coolant Concentrate protects the cooling system from corrosion, frost and in summer from overheating.
Application Note:
RAVENOL TTC Traditional Technology Coolant Concentrate with frost and rust protection effect. Application according to mixing table. Observe manufacturer's instructions.
User instructions: Clean the cooling system, check for leaks, rinse.
RAVENOL TTC Traditional Technology Coolant Concentrate mix with fresh water (according to mixing table) and add. Warm up engine and heating, fill up shortfall with antifreeze
Mixing table:
Antifreeze up to approx. &nb water
25 % 75 %
35 % 65 %
- 37°C 50 % 50 %
RAVENOL TTC Concentrate is practice-proven and tested in units with compliance:
VW TL 774-C (acc. to G11 quality), ASTM D 3306 (USA), BS 6580 (GB), O Standard V 5123 (Ö(Austria), JIS K 2234 (Japan), CUNA NC 956-16 (Italy), AFNOR R15-601 (France), SAE J1034, UNE 25-361 (Spain), ASTM D 6210, ASTM D 4985, ASTM D 3306, ASTM D 1384, ASTM D 2570, ASTM D 2809, FORD WSS-M97B51-A